Monday, July 11, 2016

Book Review (Demon Queen by Kassandra Lynn) - Monday Madness

Hello my lovely readers!

Today's review is the third book in a series...actually, I think it is just a trilogy. Anyway, you can read my review for the first two books Here and Here.

Demon Queen by Kassandra Lynn

Thankfully, this one did not seem quite as rushed as the last one, however, it still needs work. The plot and ideas are great. I only wish that a little more time had spent on editing. Along with that, I also think that many of the conversations were stiff and awkward. It also seemed like I was being talked at. I was still getting figurative whiplash from the emotions jumping back and forth. However, this one was not as predictable as the last one was.

I give it 3.5 stars.

I think, overall, I am disappointed with this series. It started out pretty good, but, unfortunately, the author's writing and ideas did not improve or stay consistent. I wish more time had been spent on this series.

What is your favorite Fantasy series?
When I was in Jr. High School it was the Septimus Heap Series by Angie Sage.
Right now, though, I think it is a tie between Hidden Saga by Amy Patrick and Gates of Thread and Stone Series by Lori M. Lee.

What about you? Leave a comment below or email me at

That is all for today. Keep Reading!

Ta, ta. 

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to or comment below.
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Book Review (The Narc Decoder by Tina Swithin)- What The Wednesday

Hello everyone.

I read this for research purposes for a future book. I really enjoyed it. It was well written and semi informational. I felt deeply connected to Tina as she talk about her story with divorcing her narcissistic husband and how to talk to someone who is like him. Overall a fantastic read.

The Narc Decoder, understanding the language of a narcissist by Tina Swithin
I give it five stars.

That is all for today. Keep Reading!

Ta, Ta.

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to or comment below.
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Book Review (A Real Cowboy Never Says No by Stephanie Rowe)- What The Wednesday

Hello my lovely Readers!
Today I have a riveting  tale of two strangers who find themselves connected in only one way. AJ is the best friend to both, but he recently passed away. The two meet during the funeral and embark on a challenging adventure.

A Real Cowboy Never Says No by Stephanie Rowe

This story has a little bit of romance, a little mystery, and a smidge of fear inducing characters. I enjoyed reading this book. It aas difficult to put down. There were a few mistakes here and there, but overall it was well edited. The characters had believable development and flaws. Some parts I found to be predicable, but not to the point of it really bothering me that much. This is the first book in a series. I did like it, however, I do not plan on purchasing it or the others in the series. 

I give it four stars. 

That is all for now. Keep Reading!

Ta, ta!

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to or comment below.
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Monday, June 27, 2016

Book Review (Demon King by Kassandra Lynn) - Monday Madness

Hello my lovely Readers!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Today I have a review, this is the second book in a series. The review for the first book in this series can be found here. Seeing as it had been some time since I read the first one I decided to give it another read. It did not take my attention as it had before.

Demon King by Kassandra Lynn

 I went into reading the second book ready for either improvement or at the very least a consistency from the previous book. I did not find this to be true.

For me, this book was predictable. It seemed rushed and gave me figurative whiplash. One moment someone felt one way and the next turn it was a different way. It was challenging to remember who was mad at whom and why. However, I am still curious to find out what happened to Adrianna. As for the grammar and spelling, it could use some help. It has some good ideas, and is readable, it just needs to be polished.

I do plan on reading the third book, and I am hoping that it will be a little more put together and not rushed.

I give this book three and a half stars.

That is all. Keep Reading!

Ta, Ta!

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to or comment below.
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Monday, June 20, 2016

Book Review (Written on the Apple Tree by Ann Girdharry) - Monday Madness

Hello my lovely Readers!
I hope your weekend was fun and exciting! Mine was dull, but I got some writing done and I am feeling confident about the books I was working on.
Today's madness is another review.

This short (emphasis on short) story is about a woman named Kim and her encounter with a man named Oliver. He seems familiar, but she is not able to pinpoint why. It is part of a mystery and psychological suspense series.

It is basically two chapters long, and decently written. Because it is only 4,000 words, I expected it to be a little more polished and put together. this was not the case, it was riddled with mistakes. However, it was interesting and did keep me entertained, but not enough for me to feel the need to check out the rest of the series. I have not read the others books and therefore do not know how they compare to this one. Regardless, I would not pay $1.99 (this is the current price) to buy this book. I mean, come on, $2 for two chapters? That is ridiculous.

If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, I would suggest giving it a try. Otherwise, I do not think it is worth the money.

That is all for today. Keep Reading!

Ta, Ta.

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to

Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Monday, June 6, 2016

Book Review (Eden Bound by Kyrah Winters) - Monday Madness

Hello my lovely Readers!
Welcome to another Monday and another review! I hope you had a great weekend. I spent a ridiculous amount of time on the computer, but more on that later.

If you missed last week’s Friday Friend Day post go check it out now. I added a rating chart. Now, on to the review!

This book had beautiful vivid descriptions, but I think, at times, there were too many descriptions. From what I read, I did not see many mistakes. Overall, it is a well-written story. However, I was unable to get into it and only read the first two chapters.  Although, I do not think it was the entirely the authors fault I had trouble. I just have not been in the best headspace lately. Anyway, I am giving it three, because it really was so well written and I hate to give something that had good content a bad rating all because it did not suit me.

Here is my understanding of what the book is about.

It is a paranormal action filled fantasy with some romance mixed in. The archangel Alexander is sent to Earth to kill some demons. Along the way, he meets Karis, a human photographer. He pulls her into the enchanting supernatural world, which has always been hiding in plain sight. They must embark on this dangerous adventure together.

I will be trying this book later, because it is totally up my alley. Try it and let me know what you think.


That is all for now! Keep Reading!

Ta, Ta.

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Book Review (Pride's Children: Purgatory by Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt)- Monday Madness

Hello my lovely Readers!

Welcome back, I hope you had a great weekend. Now prepare yourself for one of the reviews that I hate doing, but if you read my post, Reviews Rant then you know I feel I must. This book I give a one star too. This means I find it unreadable.

Pride's Children: Purgatory by Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt

All right everyone, I did not finish this book. I could not finish this book. It is 545 pages long, and it took the first page for me to realize why it was so long.

This author writes tediously long descriptions about everything. The very first 'paragraph' is one run-on sentence. I shoved on, it had to get better, right? It didn't. Sometimes I can get through drawn out descriptions, but she also had the need to prove that she had this immense vocabulary. Sometimes learning to write simple and to the point needs to happen.

I would like to clarify. I have no problem with using 'large' vocabulary, I actually think it is great. However, I do not think it needs to be used excessively. There comes a point where it is too much. In my opinion, this book hit that point and continued going. There is a beauty in simplicity and I think this author has not yet learned this.

I desperately tried  to get into a book that was given such high ratings, but I honestly could not.

As always, I think you should give it a try and give your own honest review.

That is all for now. Keep Reading!

Ta, Ta.

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Book Review (Wraith by Robert Allen Johnson)- Monday Madness

Hello my lovely readers, and welcome to another Monday Madness!

Today's review is on Wraith by Robert Allen Johnson 

In this thrilling tale, we follow two characters as they face many trials and pains. Trio is a boy, a hunter. He tracks down men from the Empire and takes their lives just as they had taken his father's life. The coin Trio receives from The Hand for these deaths is used to take care of his sister and mother.

Arch is a traveler of many places. As he and his horse make their way home they are met with a shadowy figure. This unwelcomed ghost refuses to leave Arch's side. The Darkness temps him with the possibility relieving the guilt from his past.

As you can guess from the synopsis this is a captivating story. The descriptions that Robert uses are woven together in a beautiful way. However, he gets a little bit carried away and at times over describes useless things. It is also unclear as to whom the chapters about until you get to character's name. So each chapter can either change to a different character or be the same person in the previous chapter. You have to read a paragraph or two in order to find out which person is being talked about. Then when you do figure it out you feel like you have to go back and reread because you don't remember what was said about that character. You didn't know who was being talked about and so the information didn't quite stick in your mind. At least, that is how it is for me.

Overall it is an exquisite novel and one I will be adding to my list of books I want to buy. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

That is all for today. Keep Reading!

Ta, Ta

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Monday, May 2, 2016

Book Review (Infinity Formula by Steven V.S.)- Monday Madness

I have reviewed this book before, but I did not post it here. The author made some edits and asked if I would consider giving it another look. I did and here is what I think.

The Infinity Formula by Steven VS
The Infinity Formula by Steven VS

Although you can tell that a great amount of editing took place, I still feel it could use more work. This truly has so much potential. It could easily become one of my favorites. However, as I said there has been a great amount of editing, so I will be changing the previously given three stars to four.
Some of the chapters still need more structure and some of the ideas still do not quite fit together. I did notice that most of the useless descriptions were taken out and additional information was given for things that are more necessary.  
The specific example I gave below was not only fixed but had a few things added that gave it some oomph!

*Below is my original review. The edits Steven made helped make this book much more captivating and he does deserve the bump in the star level.  

This book is good and has the potential to be great. Here is the deal, the storyline is a solid idea it is the actual writing that I feel needs help. In addition, I think the placement of ideas needs work too. The individual chapters need a little more…structure? I think that is the word I am looking for.
Often things that were completely useless were described and then we were given little to no information on more important matters (I should add I do not mean it was held back for suspense, just flat out did not describe things.) The phrasing and ideas within the book often jumped from place to place. Almost as if the author had so many good ideas, he could not decide which to put in and so he added both. I also noticed that subject pronouns were used at inappropriate times making it difficult to understand exactly who he was talking about. For example, this is taken from the beginning of the book (it is from the second chapter, not a spoiler).
“The gunshot rang.
He pushed her to the ground, covering her. He was shouting at him, but he couldn’t hear, the crowd had erupted into a frenzy…”
Someone, please tell me who was shouting at whom? Even if the author meant to say she instead of he that still shows the need for some more editing. Anyway, as you can tell from that little blurb it really is an action packed book. I honestly would like to see this book worked on more and republished as it really has so much to work with.
That is my honest opinion.

As always, keep reading.

Ta, ta

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to
Are you an author? Do you want me to read your book? Send business inquiries to (I only do review exchanges if you make a request for me to read your book.)

Friday, April 22, 2016

What I learned publishing my first novel

When I started writing a book two years ago, it had not even occurred to me that I could publish it. Then I discovered the wonderful world of self-published books. I wanted to be one of those authors. My new goal was in place, I was going to write and then publish and become a great author. Well, I published and no one read my book.

I thought something must be wrong with the book. Maybe the story was not good enough. Maybe my writing was dull and lacked vivid descriptions. Or, worst of all, maybe I still had mistakes in my novel! Perish the thought that I could be imperfect!

It was all three and that I was very inexperienced. I was silly and thought that having a blog and putting a book on Amazon was suddenly going to get me readers. Looking back, I realize how absurd my thinking was. As I have been preparing to launch my second book, my thoughts have been directed towards these mistakes. You faithful readers now get to watch as I air my dirty laundry and tell you exactly where I messed up.

Topic One: Thinking I could do everything on my own

As great and cheap as this option is, it is so beyond false. I do not know about anyone else, but for me, I spend at least a year on one book. Seriously, I work on every book I publish for at least a year. I spend all this time on something and I want it to be good and at least somewhat appreciated. However, someone who knows what they are doing really should do a few things for you.

Now I do not mean that you cannot possibly edit your book, what I am saying is that someone needs to go over your work. Why don't we all take a trip back to third grade when we started writing paragraphs? Those were seriously scary. Anyway, you finally get your paragraph about your favorite dog finished.

Then the teacher says, "Take out your red pencils."

You spend the next little bit going over your work and fixing then you are done, right? Wrong, your teacher's next instruction is to pass your paper to a friend. Every time, that friend would find something else. Wait, but you went over it; you checked and checked. Why did your friend find something? They saw what you could not.

Now back to the present. We all develop blinders for our mistakes. Yes, there are things you can do to help, but the best is to have someone else go over it. Look, I get it you are a grammar fanatic and so you think you are fine. Guess what, you're not, because no one is perfect. Even if your grammar seems spot on, there are other mistakes that you may need an editor to tell you.

In the next few weeks, a review of a book will be coming up, and it is not a very good review. This particular author has decent grammar, what she was lacking was self-control. The first paragraph is one giant run-on sentence. Moreover, she over-described everything. Her tediously long book could have been so much better if she had cut out all her fillers. Now, I do not know if she hired an editor, but if she did not then she should have. If she did then she needs a new one or to listen to the editors advice.

You do not need to use an expensive one, but you should at least have someone go through it.

Front Cover: 
This is so important. Even though we are told not to judge a book by its cover, we all do. Thus far, I have made all my covers, but I do regret Recovering is an Art's cover. I used Creatspace's cover creator and I kid you not in the first week I was able to find six other covers like it. This is not technically a bad thing, so much as an annoying thing. You want your cover to stand out.

There are two other options:

1. Hire someone to make you a cover. Again, this does not need to be someone who charges a ton. Hunt around and do not be afraid to ask for prices and samples of the work they do.

2. Learn how to use Photoshop and create your own. If you read my blog, then you know this is what I did. I know that makes this technically not fit under this category, but I am putting it here anyway. 

However, this is not always a cheap option either. You still need to get a Photoshop program. The one I use is Adobe Photoshop CS6. Also, if you are not a photographer then you need to subscribe to a place that has stock photos that can be used for *commercial use. The legit free one I have found with decent photos is Pixabay
I suggest doing more of your own research in this if you would like to try this option. 

Topic Two: Get an Editor

I know I am repeating myself, but seriously just get one. There are several who do not cost very much. Click this link. It will take you to a Goodreads search for proofreaders/editors. Now email everyone you find and ask for a quote. If you are lucky, you will find someone who will do it for free. What will it hurt if someone does it for free? Nothing and no one. In fact, it could only make your writing better. Some of you are thinking, yeah I have heard all of this before and I do a great job at catching my mistakes. Good for you for being positive, but I doubt that you catch everything. Get off your high horse and just do it.
Okay, rant over.

Topic Three: Giveaways do not always get you readers

Now, I am not saying you should never do them, because they can be helpful. What I am saying is that you should not expect to get a hundred or even ten readers just because you did a giveaway. On Goodreads I went from one person having Recovering is an Art on their ‘to-read’ list to 265 people in the span of a month. This is excellent and I swear I am not trying to be negative. I am just being realistic.

As of right this second, I have four ratings for Recovering is an Art. One is someone who read my book a long time ago and one is someone who offered to review it (she did not get a free copy, but read it through Kindle Unlimited). I am not sure whom the other ratings are from.
Basically, 265 people added it and three people read it. Giveaways are great at getting your title out there, but not necessarily getting people to read it. Not only that, just because you give someone your book does not mean you get a review. It is possible that the two ratings are from someone who received my book. It may be more likely that they are from someone who used Kindle Unlimited to read it.

So if you do a giveaway (at least in my experience through Goodreads) it is not always likely that you will get readers.

Topic Four: Getting reviews is key
The more reviews you get the more people will see it. Let us say that someone named Jessica read your book and wrote a review. Now if she had twenty of her friends following her, and they see her review for a book they may click on it. Then Jessica’s friend Kelly reads your description and decides to read it. After she writes a review, two of Kelly’s friends see that she and Jessica both read and liked this book. So they decide to read it, and so on and so forth. See how great reviews can be.
Since I have been in my cave lately, I have slacked off in the getting reviews area. Now that I am back it is one of the things I will be working on.

Topic Five: A regular internet presence

This one is a difficult one to accomplish. We all have lives outside of the internet, but if you are not doing your own advertising than who is? As I just stated in the previous topic, because I have had a rough year so far, I have not been on top of my game. The potential reviews I could have gotten if I had been more actively involved online have most likely forgotten about my book now. You need to be consistent in your marketing when you are self-published.

Topic Six: Make Mistakes and Realize it Takes Time

It is good and okay to make mistakes. The key is learning from them. Everything in this blog post are things I learned because I messed up. Just do your best and see where it takes you. Realize that you are not going to be number one right away. It is going to take some time and a ton of effort. You may never get to the number one spot, but keep on fighting, because it is worth it. Writing gives you a voice. It is a way to speak out. So do it.

Topic Seven: Have fun


Recently I have been in work mode. I hate when my brain does this because it crushes my creativity. This should be something you enjoy doing. Do not let the pressure get to you. Have fun. Love your work. Most of all, Keep Writing.

Rock on, my readers.

Ta, ta.

*I am not a professional in this topic this is just how I have interpreted information I have gathered from the internet.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Book Review (Save Nina by Ann Simpson)

It was quite difficult for me to get through this book; for several reasons, but I am just going to touch base with the main ones.

First, the phrasing and grammar were quite poor. Not just spelling errors, but also a lot of word confusion.

Second, there are several times when it is as if the author forgot that she was writing in first-person and would say him or he in reference to the main character, the one who was the one telling the story.

Third, and this one might be silly, but it was still bothersome. Someone was shot, at fairly close range, with a shotgun and it was described as a small hole in the dead guy's head. Now I know that not everyone has experience with guns and how they work. Nevertheless, when so much of your story involves shooting you should really do your research. In the situation, the person that was shot with a shotgun would have suffered catastrophic damage to their head. He would not be recognizable.

Fourth, this is a very predictable book. Not a single twist was something new and unexpected. I considered putting the book down several times and did not in hopes that it would get better. It did not and I guessed all the 'surprises' right to the end.

It is just meh. I will not read it again and honestly wish I had not read it in the first place. To each their own, though.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Book Review (The Grasp of Nighttide by: Sadaf Zulfikar)

The Grasp of Nighttide by: Sadaf Zulfikar

Let me begin by saying that when a book has a 4.36 average star rating I am thinking it is going to be a really good book. Right? I don't see how this could be the case for this particular story. It was very poorly written. The story line jumps every which way not just from chapter to chapter, but sometimes from sentence to sentence. There are some pretty big grammar and spelling errors on almost all the pages I made it through. You did read that correctly, 'pages I made it through.'

I did not, cannot, finish reading this book. I got thirty percent of the book read on Kindle and am done trying to go further. I found the writing to be erratic and annoying to try and follow. When topics are jumping back and forth every paragraph it is not a writing style, but an unorganized mess. I think if it was edited a few more times and the writing was made to be clearer and not jerk around so much it wouldn't be a bad read. As it stands right now, I am not a fan.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Series Review (Faerie Tales from the White Forest by Danika Dinsmore)

Faerie Tales from the White Forest by Danika Dinsmore

This series gets five stars from me! I totally enjoyed reading all of the books! I was sent them in exchange for an honest review, and I promise that I only ever give my honest opinion in every review I do. Even though this series was written to be a middle-grade book I think anyone could enjoy it. Without further ado here are the reviews for each book.

I just love fantasy, and because of this love, I have read many different fantasy books. I feel like everyone tends to stick to a certain theme. An ordinary girl finds out she is not normal or someone goes missing and this courageous person must find them before it is too late. Thankfully, this was not one of those stories, and even though it was geared towards middle grade I found it quite captivating!

Brigitta and her little sister, Himalette, somehow manage to be the only ones not turned to stone. The two of them now must embark on a dangerous outing to save not only their people but their forest as well. The author, Danika, did a truly fantastic job at make you feel the sense of urgency, without a lingering cheesiness. The world was described in such a perfect manner. I was able to easily picture myself with or even as the characters. Like all great books, I was unable to predict the ending. The plot twists were timed perfectly, and the characters showed great development. This is truly a fascinating story, that could easily be enjoyed by anyone who reads and likes faerie stories. 

The Ruins of Noe (Book Two)

Danika Dinsmore has once again written a thrilling middle-grade book. The excitement continues as you follow Brigitta as she trains to become one of the Elders for her village. When she discovers that she may be able to once again save her village she sets out on another journey with the High Priestess Ondelle. Though it sounds slightly similar in tone to the first book, I found the situations slightly more dire and the characters more mature.

Danika’s writing is once again fluid and engaging. Her descriptions are quite vivid and allow you to feel as though you have been sucked right in. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.

Ondelle of Grioth (Book Three) 

Danika Dinsmore once again wrote an incredible story. This book places Brigitta into some difficult situations that give her a chance to grow and shine. In this book, we find that she's received not just a second element from the High Priestess, but also new memories that show her how to restore the elemental balance of the world. No one believes that Brigitta is actually seeing memories and attribute it to her grieving over the loss of a friend. Brigitta decides to go try and fix the problem while the Elders of her village hesitate.

I love seeing how Brigitta has developed and changed over the series so far, and that she continues to do so. Danika has captivated my attention once again. I am left wanting more and looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Narine of Noe (Book Four)

Danika Dinsmore has, once again, written another fantastic tale! Even though this book is written for tweens and teens, as an adult reader, I found it to be an exciting and entertaining fantasy adventure. Even though it is the fourth book in a series it is about the events that led to Brigittas adventures and changes and I loved it! Such a fun read!

Usually when I read a lot of books by the same author I get used to their writing and find that it becomes predictable. This was not the case for this book. I was on my toes and unable to put the book down! Great fantasy!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Book Review (Awakening by: Janet V Forster)

I am going to start by saying this is not a very positive review. But, I believe that all books should be given a chance, regardless of what others say about it. Even though I am not a big fan, doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a try.

By: Janet V Forster

Janet has an excellent mind, and truly a wonderful story. However, I had a very difficult time staying interested in this book. Not because of the basic plot, but because of all the gobbly goop I had to read to get to the good part or to get to the main needed information. I feel as though I read a lengthened version of the description. I know what you are thinking, ‘well yeah that is kind of the point of a description’. No, I mean the description tells you pretty much everything, there is no hook. Allow me to further explain.

Here is the description as it is stated right now.

“Kate has the potential to save the world. Some would rather she destroy it. Is quirky muso Kate becoming an angel? And not just any angel, but the one everyone’s been waiting for the one to reconcile fallen angels with their Creator and save the world from certain destruction.
There are benefits to this possibility. James is one. Ethan, his twin brother, not so much…
Darkness is shadowing Kate and many have great expectations of her. She’s only just met Nick, her biological father, but he drinks like tomorrow might never come and when he advises her of his family’s supernatural background and the potential disaster looming, she is soon considering joining him in slurping down a bucket of something amber-hued and running blathering into the night.
The first book in The Last Anakim Trilogy, Awakening explores the mysterious events at the time of Kate’s conception and the passionate, but forbidden relationship between Kate’s biological parents. It builds the readers’ insight into the strange circumstances of the past, as well as Nick’s unusual Anakim family, and offers an understanding of who Kate really is and why she offers the hope she does.
Will the babe born of light be infected by darkness, or rise up in triumph?”

That is pretty much the whole book. There are no surprises or twists because they are all revealed in the description. And you can’t change the description; otherwise, the book would sound dull. Why? Because the beginning of this book has no hook. It is literally just going through Kate’s (main character) daily life and how her biological parents met and had sex. It took until I was 64% of the way in to get to the major event that usually happens within the first three chapters. Unless, of course, the major event is her finding her biological parents. But what kind of hook is that? It is not entertaining or exciting at all. Once I got to Nick (her biological father) telling her what they are, I couldn’t put the book down. It was fantastic! A little over the top on the descriptions, but good. Honestly, though, all the information you picked up before that was practically useless. The bits that were useful had long and pointless descriptions around it. Or the main point was backed into.

*Note: backing into the main point is when you add a description to the subject. Once you get to the subject you go, ‘Oh that is what you are talking about’ and then you go back to the beginning of the description and re-read because you are now able to understand because you finally got to the subject. Yes, I understand that sometimes that is an okay thing to do, but it happens all too often in this books, and not in a very good way.

I know that the last paragraph of the description says that it 'explores the mysterious events at the time of Kate’s conception and the passionate, but forbidden relationship between Kate’s biological parents.' but it isn't a mystery when you know the secrets of the father, which is stated in the description. The 'mysterious' events are lacking the thrill of the mystery. They are could have and probably should have been condensed into a few chapters and not spread out into 13 chapters.

I really wish that the first part of the book had been shortened into being a few chapters and that the ending was lengthened. Or that there was a better hook at the beginning. Or if I had questions that I felt the need to be answered between each chapter, but I didn't. All the questions you could ask are revealed in the description. If I could just rate the last 15 chapters, I think I would give this book four stars instead of three, even with the over-the-top descriptions. I may give the second book a try when it comes out, but if it starts up like this one I will just put it down.

Let me end by restating that I hate giving negative reviews and that there are obviously people out there that will enjoy this book. Maybe the second one will be more thrilling and maybe you somehow needed all the stuff in this book to understand the next one better. So I say give it a try if you have kindle unlimited you don't even have to pay to download it. Just try it, and if you like it, right on. If you don't like, it no big, but at least you tried.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book Review (Demon Princess by: Kassandra Lynn)

I recently had the opportunity to read a great book written by Kassandra Lynn. The description made the book sound interesting, but also like it may be one of those books that you like the idea but the execution was going to be lacking. I was worried about giving it a try but decided to go for it anyway. So I originally thought that Demon Princess was going to be a disaster and turned out to be fantastic!

This exciting tale follows the demon princess as she struggles to get free from captivity from a mage-in-training. This mage dehumanizes her and treats like scum. While another treats her with respect and kindness. It poses good questions about how we treat others and what is right. I was able to easily to get into this book. I found I could relate and react to the situations.

Kassandra managed to write an exciting fantasy, with fabulous descriptions and not have that lingering unbelievable texture. There were a couple of parts that I wanted to skim over, but overall I really enjoyed this book. I was completely encased in the Demon Princes story and had to finish it. By the end, I was left wanting more and disappointed when I realized that there was not a second book out that I could read. If you like fantasy, try this book, it is a great story and a fun read. It will be worth it.

This book is part of the Kindle unlimited program, if you are a subscriber you can download and read it for free!