Monday, June 20, 2016

Book Review (Written on the Apple Tree by Ann Girdharry) - Monday Madness

Hello my lovely Readers!
I hope your weekend was fun and exciting! Mine was dull, but I got some writing done and I am feeling confident about the books I was working on.
Today's madness is another review.

This short (emphasis on short) story is about a woman named Kim and her encounter with a man named Oliver. He seems familiar, but she is not able to pinpoint why. It is part of a mystery and psychological suspense series.

It is basically two chapters long, and decently written. Because it is only 4,000 words, I expected it to be a little more polished and put together. this was not the case, it was riddled with mistakes. However, it was interesting and did keep me entertained, but not enough for me to feel the need to check out the rest of the series. I have not read the others books and therefore do not know how they compare to this one. Regardless, I would not pay $1.99 (this is the current price) to buy this book. I mean, come on, $2 for two chapters? That is ridiculous.

If you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription, I would suggest giving it a try. Otherwise, I do not think it is worth the money.

That is all for today. Keep Reading!

Ta, Ta.

If at any time you think, "Hey, Astrid, you should do a post on [fill in blank]." Send me an email to

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